"Living Water Smart, British Columbia's Water Plan" encourages green choices to protect stream health
A Call to Action
Released in June 2008, Living Water Smart, British Columbia’s Water Plan provides a clear statement of provincial policy vis-à-vis how land will be developed and water will be used. Furthermore, the 45 actions and targets in Living Water Smart encourage ‘green choices’ that will flow through time, and will be cumulative in creating liveable communities, reducing wasteful water use, and protecting stream health.
“The Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia is aligned with Living Water Smart, and is a primary implementation interface with local government. The Action Plan program is providing engineers and planners in a local government setting with tools to effect changes in land development, infrastructure servicing and water use practices. The program is also showcasing what local government implementers are doing on the ground,” states Glen Brown, the Executive Director of the Province’s Local Government Infrastructure and Finance Division. He is also the Deputy Inspector of Municipalities.
Released in 2004, the Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia built on the foundation provided by A Water Conservation Strategy for British Columbia, published in 1998.
TO LEARN MORE: The Action Plan was conceived as a partnership umbrella for on-the-ground initiatives that promote water stewardship across the province, and that also inform Provincial policy through shared responsibility. To learn more about the genesis of the Action Plan, click on Water Sustainability Action Plan for British Columbia: Framework for Building Partnerships to read an article posted on the Water Bucket website.