Rainwater Management in a Watershed Context – What’s the Goal?


US-based Stormwater magazine showcases process for “Convening for Action in British Columbia” 

“ln 2010, several presentations at the StormCon Conference and Exposition dealt with stormwater management in a larger community  context. Several of the speakers expressed interest in writing articles on the topic for Stormwater magazine. This initiated the idea that became our Green Infrastructure & Community Design Series,” recalls Janice Kasperson, Editor

“Colorado-based engineer Paul Crabtree coordinated the effort. Martin Dreiling kicked off the series with an article in Stormwater’s November/December 2010 issue. We’ve also run articles this past year authored by Tom Low, Paul Crabtree, John Jacob, Lisa Nisenson, and several others – all of whom who are prominent and active in the Rainwater-in-Context Initiative; as well, we’ve run guest editorials by John Norquist (Congress for the New Urbanism) and Lynn Richards (of EPA).” 

“This latest article by Kim Stephens and Jim Dumont makes important comparisons between stormwater management in the US and Canada. Although both are moving toward greater use of green infrastructure, the differences in approach are significant. I believe it’s important to consider the context in which decisions about water quality are made, and practitioners in the US can learn a great deal from BC’s approach,” concludes Janice Kasperson.


Green Infrastructure & Community Design Series:

The Stormwater magazine series seek to shed light on the project of building community and the relationship between that task and rainwater/stormwater management. The first article in the series offered a general framework for the issues that the Rainwater-in-Context Initiative finds relevant to that task. 

The latest article in the series, by Canadians Kim Stephens and Jim Dumont is described as a thoughtful review of the divergent goals of rainwater management in the US andCanada written from a British Columbia perspective. “This is a bountiful article with a number of provocative statements,” comments Laurence Aurbach, a founding member of the Rainwater-in-Context Initiative. He is an independent editor and researcher specializing in urban planning and design, new urbanism, and smart growth topics.



To read the article as published in Stormwater magazine, click on Rainwater Management in a Watershed Context – What’s the Goal? For background on the article, click here to read a story posted on the Rainwater Management community-of-interest.

To download all the articles in the Green Infrastructure & Community Design Series, click here to access a second story posted on the Rainwater Management community-of-interest. 

E-Blast #2011-62
November 22, 2011

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