Climate Change Adaptation Tools Workshop on November 22-23 in Kelowna and Penticton

Workshop Offers Hands-On Training!

“In these times of fiscal restraint and changing climate, risk management through careful planning – and avoiding expensive fixes – makes sense.   This upcoming workshop will provide cutting edge policy information and hands-on training with the latest web-based water management tools, helping address emerging water issues facing local governments, in particular those in the Okanagan,” states Anna Warwick Sears, Executive Director, Okanagan Basin Water Board (OBWB).
“This workshop will be of great value to engineers, planners, and local government consultants and was created in response to requests for such an event. We anticipate the workshop will sell-out quickly since space is limited.”
We are bringing together a number of experts (who normally present as individuals at various events around B.C.) in one location, presenting as part of this workshop, providing a fantastic deal to attendees!  OBWB, and our partner Natural Resources Canada, are able to subsidize the workshop and provide the event at a discounted rate,” concludes Anna Warwick Sears.
 E-Blast #2011-60
November 8, 2011

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