Majority Want Greater Protection for BC’s Fresh Water Resources

Context for Water Act Modernization
Ninety-four per cent of British Columbians say they want protection of nature, wildlife and species made a top priority in new provincial water rules, according to a poll released today. Nine in ten British Columbians say fresh water is our most precious resource.
While the majority favour new rules to protect BC’s freshwater ecosystems, a surprising 84 per cent are unaware the province is currently pursuing major reforms to its century-old Water Act, with next steps expected before the end of this year.

“It’s time for a modern Water Act for a modern British Columbia,” says Tony Maas, WWF-Canada Freshwater Program Director. “These poll results confirm public support for the protection of freshwater resources and we encourage the government to ensure this important legacy for the people of BC.”
TO LEARN MORE: To read the complete story posted on the Water Bucket website, click on  Majority Want Greater Protection for BC’s Fresh Water Resources.

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