Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference showcases “Mission Possible: Convening for Action in British Columbia”

Last Chance to Register for Cross-Border Signature Event on October 25-27

The Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference is the largest, most comprehensive scientific research and policy conference in the region. Co-hosted by Environment Canada and the Puget Sound Partnership, the 2011 conference emphasizes the importance of collaboration among scientists and policymakers to solve complex environmental issues that cross political borders.
“The opening plenary comprises a Local Government Leaders Panel. They will speak to ‘Land Use and Growth’. Our Mission Possible forum session follows the plenary. We are showcasing how a ‘convening for action’ philosophy has taken root in BC,” states Tim Pringle, President of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia.

“A decade ago, the Province of British Columbia made a conscious decision to follow an educational rather than prescriptive path to change practices for the use and conservation of land and water. Practical research and new tools are now enabling engineers, planners and other disciplines to do business differently. It is about turning the whole game around to collaborate as regional teams and design with nature.”

“A provincial goal is settlement change that is in balance with ecology. Use of the phrase ‘design with nature’ is facilitating a paradigm-shift in the local government setting. Our Mission Possible forum will showcase guiding principles for creating change on the ground.”

TO LEARN MORE: To read the complete story posted on Water Bucket, click on Salish Sea Ecosystem Conferenceshowcases “Mission Possible: Convening for Action in British Columbia”

“We are approaching maximum capacity at the venue,” reports Jennie Wang, Strategic Integration and Partnerships Division, Environment Canada. She advises that early registration has exceeded expectations; and urges those who have not yet registered to do so NOW.

For details of the conference program, AND TO REGISTER, click on Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference.

News Release #2011-39
September 20, 2011

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