Inter-departmental integration in the City of Campbell River facilitates 'green' development
Campbell River Innovation & Leadership
At the 2009 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Series, Rob Buchan explained the City of Campbell River’s approach to inter-departmental integration; and how the Development Review Committee is helping to achieve the City’s sustainability vision. He is the manager of the newly created Land Use Services Department.
“Two major considerations in working together are structure and small ‘c’ culture,” stated Rob Buchan. “Our new structure facilitates working together. Everyone in the department has something to do with land use and development.”
TO LEARN MORE: To read the complete story posted on the Water Bucket website, click on Inter-departmental integration in the City of Campbell River facilitates ‘green’ development. To view a YouTube video of Rob Buchan describing the Campbell River approach, click on What it takes to work together effectively (3:37)