Drainage Modelling in the 21st Century: What We Now Know About What Drives a Successful Model

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The Voice of Experience
Periodically, the Water Balance Model Partnership holds a Partners Forum. These gatherings provide an opportunity for local governments to learn from each other, and reflect on what has been accomplished through alignment and collaboration.
Dr. Charles Rowney is the Scientific Authority for the Water Balance Model and creator of the QUALHYMO calculation engine. He is a recognized global authority in his fields of expertise, and brings a wealth of North American and international experience to his responsibilities. At the 2011 Forum, Dr. Rowney reported out on the implications of computing technology decisions. Dr. Rowney’s theme was: “The Voice of Experience – What we now know about what drives a successful model”.  

“I do a lot of talking around North America and elsewhere about models and model requirements. As a result, I have been able to distil a synthesis of the opinions of several hundred people from all around the world who have done a lot of modelling. Within this group are individuals who I consider to be the premier people in their field,” stated Dr. Rowey.

Dr, Rowney introduced local government participants to the seven impediments to success in hydrologic modelling and explained that the Water Balance Model successfully resolves 6 of 7 impediments. To learn more, click here to read the Part 1 story posted on the Water Bucket website.
Dr. Rowney also introduced his audience to a synthesis that he has coined as the Uncertainty Cascade. This mind-map comprises eleven steps that cascade down from a theory to interpretation of results. To learn more, click here to read the Part 2 story posted on the Water Bucket website.

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