District of Sooke establishes British Columbia precedent with its ‘Liquid Waste Management Plan for Rainwater’

The District of Sooke on Vancouver Island has exceeded provincial requirements for liquid waste management and created a rainwater management plan that makes protecting water quality a guiding principle in land use decisions.

The Liquid Waste Management Plan for Rainwater works on three principles: protect existing water quality, prevent future damage, and remediate areas that may already be damaged.

“Sooke is proud of its natural environment. And as the first community in British Columbia to integrate both rainwater and sanitary in a liquid waste management plan, we now have the tools to protect the watersheds and the Sooke Harbour and Basin for future generations,” states Mayor Janet Evans. 

To learn more, click on Sooke is first community in British Columbia to integrate both rainwater and sanitary in a Liquid Waste Management Plan to read a supporting story posted on the Water Bucket website.

CONVENING FOR ACTION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA: The Sooke accomplshment is one of many “convening for action” case studies featured in  Beyond the Guidebook 2010: Implementing a New Culture for Urban Watershed Protection and Restoration in British Columbia, released in June 2010. There is now clear guidance for aligning local actions with provincial and regional goals to ‘design with nature’ so that British Columbians can create greener communities, live water smart and prepare for climate change.
News Release #2011-24

May 24, 2011

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