Water Sustainability Act would help lighten British Columbia's 'Water Footprint'

Province releases Policy Proposal on British Columbia’s new Water Sustainability Act
The Ministry of Environment has released its Policy Proposal on British Columbia’s new Water Sustainability Act and has initiated a second round of public engagement.  The Policy Proposal summarizes the overall framework of a modernized Water Act.
“The proposed Water Sustainability Act recognizes the relationship between land and water. This represents a quantum leap forward in moving BC along a pathway that leads to integration of land and water management practices,” observes Tim Pringle, President of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia.
“The Water Sustainability Act is a valuable legislative tool. We believe it will help communities lighten BC’s water footprint and transition the province to a ‘design with nature’ way of developing land and managing water.”
News Release #2011-02
January 18, 2011

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