Story #4 in the ISMP Course Correction Series: Move to a Levels-of-Protection Approach to Sustainable Service Delivery
Need for Local Governments to be Nimble, Collaborative and Integrated
The first three installments in the 5-part series established the context for embracing a ‘regional team approach’ and making the change to IRMP (Integrated Rainwater Management Plan) from ISMP. Now, the spotlight shifts to Asset Management as a pathway to re-focus on stream health and desired watershed outcomes.
The 4th instalment introduces the ‘infrastructure deficit’ as a driver for the ‘ISMP course correction’, connects the dots to the Green Communities Initiative, views the Levels-of-Service concept through the land use planning and environmental lenses, and provides three examples to illustrate how local government leaders are moving forward with Sustainable Service Delivery.
To learn more, click on Move to a Levels-of-Protection Approach to Sustainable Service Delivery.
News Release #2010-47
December 7, 2010