Re-Inventing Rainwater Management in the Capital Region

Released in February 2010, ‘Re-Inventing Rainwater Management’ recommends formation of a Capital Regional District Rainwater Commission to undertake an integrated watershed management approach for managing rainwater across the region. In July 2010, the report was presented at a committee meeting of regional politicians.
“A Regional Commission is necessary to overcome the main barrier to rational rainwater management: the fragmented jurisdiction over runoff in our region. We envision that the new Commission would create a long-term Regional Integrated Watershed Management Plan with a number of mandatory targets,” states Calvin Sandborn, Legal Director of the Environmental Law Clinic (ELC) at the University of Victoria, and lead author of Re-Inventing Rainwater Management.
“Our presentation was followed by a CRD staff report that reinforced the call for a more holistic approach to watershed protection and restoration. The committee asked staff to report back with an implementation strategy for an Integrated Watershed Management program for the core area of the CRD in Fall 2010.”
News Release #2010-30
August 10, 2010

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