Beyond the Guidebook 2010: ‘Urban Watershed’ Explained
West Van waterfront (360p)
Beyond the Guidebook 2010
'Urban watershed’ refers to drainage tributary areas within which zoning and land use are under the jurisdiction of a local government.
West Van waterfront (360p)
Beyond the Guidebook 2010
'Urban watershed’ refers to drainage tributary areas within which zoning and land use are under the jurisdiction of a local government.
Kim Stephens – 2010 (120p)
“When we gather, it is for a purpose. There must be an action item or an outcome. Our aim is to move from talk to action by developing tools, providing training, and building capacity.”
Mike Zbarsky (120p) – Comox Valley Regional District
People are generally disconnected from water…where it comes from, what its value is, and where it goes to. Turn the tap and water comes out….pressure wash the driveway and water goes down a drain…out of sight, out of mind…disconnected.
The Forum was designed for elected representatives and senior managers in local government. The goal was to start a conversation that will lead to an Island-wide dialogue.
The Cowichan Valley Regional District hosted a hybrid-training workshop to inform, educate and enable those who wish to apply a Design with Nature approach to land development.
Vancouver Island is the pilot region for developing a common understanding and consistent approach to creating liveable communities and protecting stream health. Outcome-oriented, the 2008 Series was designed by and for land and water managers in local government.
CAVI undertook three major initiatives in 2007: Creating Our Future Workshop (June); Showcasing Green Infrastructure Innovation Series (September-October); and Green Infrastructure Leadership Forum (December)
The goal in showcasing innovation and celebrating successes is to move 'from awareness to action' in doing business differently — through sharing of approaches, tools, experiences and lessons learned that will ultimately inform a pragmatic strategy for climate change adaptation.
The 'Convening for Action' vision is that water sustainability in British Columbia will be achieved through implementation of green infrastructure policies and practices.
Three program elements were designed to advance a 'regional team approach' to living water smart and building greener communities: Surrey Forum, Penticton Forum, and Comox Valley Learning Lunch Series.