

City of Kelowna expands watershed initiatives

There are many challenges to maintaining a healthy watershed in an urban environment. To address watershed health in the urban environment, the City of Kelowna's Environment Division implemented a Watershed Stewardship Program in 1996. Since then, the program has been expanded to include many innovative projects.

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Environmental Farm Planning protects water resources

Environmental farm planning is a voluntary process that producers (in all types and sizes of farm operations) can use to identify both environmental strengths and any potential risks on their farms. As appropriate, it includes a prioritized action plan to reduce the risks.

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Central Okanagan Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping project

In the summer of 2004, the Regional District of Central Okanagan conducted a detailed inventory of the foreshore of central Okanagan Lake. The aim of the Central Okanagan Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping project was to categorize the foreshore according to near shore and upslope characteristics such as foreshore morphology, land use, existing riparian condition, and anthropogenic alterations.

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New EPA tool for determining cause of ecological harm to rivers and streams

To improve the nation's waters, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a new web-based tool, the Causal Analysis/Diagnosis Decision Information System (CADDIS), which simplifies determining the cause of contamination in impaired rivers, streams, and estuaries. An impaired body of water does not meet the state or federal water quality standards for one or more pollutants.

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This publication reviews nine common smart growth techniques and examines how they can be used to prevent or manage stormwater runoff.

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SHaRP at 10: Successes and challenges

For ten great years, Surrey young people have had the chance to get knee-deep in stewardship efforts for their waterways. The City of Surrey started the Salmon Habitat Restoration Program (SHaRP) in 1996, employing students to work in enhancement and community education during the summer.

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Sharing estuary parasite data

As a food source for other animals and as water filterers, shrimp are vital to estuary health. Dr. John Chapman and his colleagues are seeing a population explosion of a parasite which infests the shrimp. They suspect the parasite has been introduced in bilgewater from Asian freighters.

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