
Climate Change Adaptation

Our Climate is Changing…Now What?

“While there may be general consensus on climate change predictions at the global scale, real discussion of climate change impacts in our own “backyard” – be it a city, a watershed, or a particular project site – is just getting started. In most cases, the emergence of “best practices” – or even “standard practices” – is still on the horizon,” states Eric Bonham.

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Climate science and politics in an age of change

“More and more thoughtful people are concerned that climate change, in combination with a number of contributing environmental circumstances, is poised to create a perfect storm of economic, social and political consequeces,” stated Bob Sandford.

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“The Case for Selling Our Water” – second of two excerpts from new book by Chris Wood

Atlanta’s drought, California’s fires, Mexico’s flood, Canada’s weird winters year after year… this book connects the dots in a lively way between the headlines, the climate science and the forecast for tomorrow and the day after. Dry Spring spells out the weather forecast for North America and the urgent reasons to begin preparing for the storm just over the horizon.

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Intensity Units: An Effective Approach to Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

“The debate about Climate Change has generated a policy war between proponents of “hard caps” versus those who favour “intensity unit” approaches to regulating discharges of greenhouse gases. The author argues that intensity units are an effective tool for measuring performance in reducing pollution and ensuring that the public interest is protected,” wrote Peter Krahn.

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Climate Change and Risk Management: A Practitioner’s Perspective

Robert Hicks
Return periods are common in regulations and in 'standard engineering practice'. However, using return periods without considering their response to climate variability and climate change could result in poor long-term decision making and prevent proactive adaptation if not put into the context of climate change.

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Climate Change Implications for Rainwater Conveyance Infrastructure

Robert Miller – UBC Civil Engineering professor
Short sharp bursts of rain are increasing in both frequency and intensity acccording to researchers at the University of British Columbia. The controversial research, originally done for a 2001 master's thesis, was published in the Journal of the American Water Resources Association.

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