LIVING WATER SMART IN BRITISH COLUMBIA: “When a new generation of advisors lacks the deep background and experience to comprehend what numbers really mean, how can we expect elected representatives to make informed decisions?” stated Kim Stephens, Executive Director with the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC
Note to Reader:
Published by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia, Waterbucket eNews celebrates the leadership of individuals and organizations who are guided by the Living Water Smart vision. The edition published on January 16, 2024 kicked off the 2024 season of “stories behind the stories” of those who are leading changes in thinking and implementing in BC. Looking ahead, the unifying theme for featured success stories in 2024 is, ask the right questions and LEARN to look back to see ahead.
Solutions to complex problems require deep knowledge
“Year Two of the 4-year term for councils and boards is usually the window of opportunity for local government managers to bring forward big ideas and initiatives that play out over time. The window will close when many among the current group of elected representatives turn their minds to getting re-elected in 2026,” stated Kim Stephens, Waterbucket eNews Editor and Partnership Executive Director.
“So, the stakes for communities are high in 2024 as councils and boards grapple with top-down decisions or directives by senior governments. In addition to feeling pressures due to inflation, population growth and unaffordable housing, councils and boards will need to give equal weight to what those two issues mean for the future resiliency of infrastructure and environment.”
“The spectre of unintended consequences elevates the inherent risks. Local governments cannot run a deficit and we are in an era where so many systems are stretched to the breaking point. Councils and boards will be challenged to “get it right” with their decisions. Not making the right calls inevitably plays out as measurable impacts on quality of life.”
What systems thinking means
“In a system, everything is connected. That is a key message in this essay. Think about what you have experienced vis-à-vis global supply chains and how problems cascade. And keep in mind that the systems perspective is not a new idea. John Muir, known as the father of the American national parks system, was an exponent of systems thinking in the late 1800s.”
John Muir also co-founded the Sierra Club in 1892 and was its first president until his death in 1914.
“Housing supply, affordability, and home ownership. Health care. Crime. Sustainable and affordable funding for municipal infrastructure over generations. Water supply and food security. Agricultural land and food security. Weather extremes, creek system integrity, and risk management in the urban landscape. All are connected. All are at the forefront in this year for decisions.”
What are the numbers telling you?

In December 1999, Wesley Eckenfelder was named as one of three “20th Century Pollution Control Pioneers” by Environmental Protection magazine. The other two are Rachael Carson who wrote Silent Spring and A. J. P. Martin who invented the Gas Chromatograph.
“Wesley Eckenfelder’s words of wisdom have influenced my career as a professional engineer involved in policy and planning. That memory surfaced during a recent conversation with Robert Hicks, a contemporary who was an engineer-planner with Metro Vancouver for 25 years.”
“Robert Hicks is respected by his peers for his knowledge and passion as a futurist. He has always been ahead of his time with his thinking. In our conversation, he quoted from an essay about organizational amnesia. He commented that we are living in an era when knowledge, experience and understanding are being lost at an alarming rate.”
“With this observation, Robert and I circled back to the Wesley Eckenfelder quote and the implications for decision-making. When a new generation of advisors lacks the deep background and experience to comprehend what numbers really mean, how can we expect elected representatives to make informed decisions?”
We have lost our feel for numbers
“In the story behind the story that follows, Robert Hicks’ perspective on why knowledge-transfer in local government is broken got me thinking about how numbers are bandied about as gospel. And drive policy. Does anyone question the underlying assumptions and ask, what is wrong with this picture?”
“Consider the recent claim that Vancouver needs an additional 10,000 hotel rooms to accommodate tourists. Does the number even make sense when viewed in a system context? Where is the flaw in the logic? I urge readers to think the number through and draw your own conclusions.”
“Organizational amnesia is real and has a downside. It is called unintended consequences. Robert Hicks reminds us that superficial understandings do not yield solutions to complex problems. One needs deep knowledge.”
“My boiled down observation is that we have lost our feel for what numbers mean in practice!”
To read the complete story, download a copy of Living Water Smart in British Columbia: Solutions to complex problems require deep knowledge.