LIVING WATER SMART IN BRITISH COLUMBIA: Jim Dumont’s clear thinking, innovation and experience underpin the foundation for his risk reduction approach to maintaining “water balance” in a changing climate (October 2023)

Note to Reader:

Published by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia, Waterbucket eNews celebrates the leadership of individuals and organizations who are guided by the Living Water Smart vision. The edition published on October 3, 2023 featured the clear thinking and innovation of Jim Dumont in evolving the Water Balance Methodology to the point where it underpins a risk reduction approach to protecting streams in a changing climate.

EDITOR’S PERSPECTIVE: British Columbia is falling behind the West Coast states in protecting streams and reducing risk

“In his ‘story behind the story’ essay, Jim Dumont paints a broad-brush picture. He does this in a way that does not require a technical background to first comprehend and then take to heart. Jim is to the point in answering the question posed in the headline above,” stated Kim Stephens, Waterbucket eNews Editor and Partnership Executive Director.

“Why have the practitioners of Rainwater Management in British Columbia fallen behind the West Coast states?”

Story of the Metro Vancouver region’s Green Infrastructure Journey (1997-2023)

“With the downloadable version of this edition of Waterbucket eNews, we include a BONUS FEATURE. It is a preview extract from Create Liveable Communities and Protect Stream Health in the Metro Vancouver Region: Moving Along the Green Infrastructure Continuum. This legacy resource will be published early in 2024.”

“The past informs the future. In the downloadable version, Jim Dumont explains and reflects on how his science-based understanding evolved through case study applications in Surrey, Langley Township, North Vancouver District and beyond.”

“It is about looking back to see ahead. The preview weaves quotable quotes from a conversational interview with Jim Dumont.  We hope readers will find the storyline informative as well as compelling.”

What everyone ought to know:

“The Partnership for Water Sustainability process for understanding and then sharing oral history is one of sifting, distilling, synthesizing and layering the information so that others may learn from the knowledge and experience of these who lead by example.”

“Having a written record of our oral history is essential for handing off as well as embracing the inter-generational baton for green infrastructure and everything else,” concluded Kim Stephens.


To read the complete story, download a copy of Living Water Smart in British Columbia: A window into the green infrastructure journey in the Metro Vancouver region.