HOW SCIENTISTS GOT CLIMATE CHANGE SO WRONG: “Few thought it would arrive so quickly. Now we’re facing consequences once viewed as fringe scenarios,” wrote Eugene Linden in an opinion piece in the New York Times (November 2017)

Note to Reader:

Recognized as one of the foremost environmental journalists in the USA, Eugene Linden expertly and succinctly explains the science and dynamics of climate change and the social, economic, and environmental effects of global warming. He is the author of several acclaimed non-fiction books, including his latest, The Ragged Edge of the World, as well as The Future in Plain Sight and Affluence and Discontent.

In The Future in Plain Sight, author Eugene Linden lays out the nine factors that are symptomatic of instability in today’s world. 

How Scientists Got Climate Change So Wrong

“For decades, most scientists saw climate change as a distant prospect. We now know that thinking was wrong,” wrote Eugene Linden in an opinion piece published by the New York Times.

“Had a scientist in the early 1990s suggested that within 25 years a single heat wave would measurably raise sea levels, at an estimated two one-hundredths of an inch, bake the Arctic and produce Sahara-like temperatures in Paris and Berlin, the prediction would have been dismissed as alarmist. But many worst-case scenarios from that time are now realities.”

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