2015: a year of extremes – Vancouver Sun newspaper editorial summarizes the year’s turbulent weather in a single paragraph

Acknowledgment: Bare ski runs on Cypress Mountain are seen from CTV’s Chopper 9 helicopter (Feb. 24, 2015)
“2015: Both heartening and heartbreaking,” is the headline for the Vancouver Sun editorial on December 31, 2015
For British Columbia, this was the year of the great drought, dwindling snow packs, melting glaciers, beleaguered salmon runs and a costly forest fire season, followed by windstorms and heavy rains. Launched from a powerful El Nino, storms caused the single largest electrical outage in the province’s history.
The Editorial Board:
The members of the editorial board are Editor Harold Munro, Issues & Ideas editor Harvey Enchin, columnists and editorial writers Stephen Hume and Barbara Yaffe.
Reflections on the 2015 Drought
In December 2015, both of British Columbia’s major newspapers published front-page news stories that drew attention to the Partnership for Water Sustainability. In addition, both CBC Radio and CBC TV sought out the Partnership for a perspective on The Top Story of 2015, that is – the drought that started in Winter 2015 and continued through Summer 2015.
To Learn More:
Click on Year-end media interviews raise profile and awareness of Partnership for Water Sustainability

Dan Burritt of CBC News interviews Kim Stephens, Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC (Click on image or follow this link: https://waterbucket.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/2015-12-23-KimStephensCBCnosubtitles.mp4)