BC Wildlife Federation releases workshop summary report about Wetland Conservation on Eastern Vancouver Island
Note to Reader:
On January 29th 2015, the Wetlands Education Team traveled to Nanaimo to host a workshop designed to bring together stakeholders involved with wetland conservation on Vancouver Island. The workshop offered a networking opportunity for participants to learn about projects their neighbors are working on to protect and conserve wetlands.
To download a copy of the report on the event, click on Wetland Conservation along Eastern Vancouver Island: A workshop for municipal and regional stakeholders.

Acknowledgment: Diane Kiss, BC Wildlife Federation. To read her article on the BCWF Bog Blog, click on http://bcwfbogblog.com/2015/01/30/wetland-conservation-in-eastern-vancouver-island-a-workshop-for-municipal-and-regional-stakeholders/
A Workshop for Regional and Municipal Stakeholders
“Along with building new connections, this workshop was designed with input from key stakeholders,” reports Diane Kiss, Workshop Coordinator and Wetland Intern with the BC Wildlife Federation’s Wetlands Education Program (WEP). “Last November, we spoke with municipal and regional staff and lead conservation groups about priorities and challenges they face regarding wetlands.”
“From these conversations, we selected the following learning outcomes for the workshop to support local government and stakeholders: 1) municipal and regional tools and requirements for protecting wetlands, 2) storm water management and wetlands, and 3) prioritization of wetland assets and prioritization of restoration opportunities.”
Benefits of Wetlands
“Wetlands can provide a number of benefits to society, including: flood control, water treatment, and carbon storage,” adds Neil Fletcher, Chair, Wetland Stewardship Partnership of BC, and Wetlands Education Program Coordinator for the BC Wildlife Federation.
“Despite their importance, wetlands on East Vancouver Island have been lost and degraded from dams, agriculture, urban development and other impacts. Unfortunately, they are still threatened as approximately 2% of natural wetlands were lost between 1995 and 2005 on East Vancouver Island.”
“By exploring relevant themes and issues, the workshop will help build capacity on how we can protect and conserve wetlands and work towards healthier watersheds.”
To Learn More:
To read the complete article posted by Diane Kiss on the BCWF Bog Blog, click on Wetland Conservation along Eastern Vancouver Island: A workshop for municipal and regional stakeholders.