Waterscape Poster Series tells the stories of land and water resources in British Columbia and Alberta
In the first decade of the 21st century, the duo of Bob Turner (Natural Resources Canada) and Bill Taylor (Environment Canada) co-led a project to create a series of “waterscape posters”. The desired outcome was to inform and educate practitioners and the community-at-large about the inter-dependency of land and water resources.
The Poster Series
The series comprises waterscape posters for three regions within British Columbia, with the fourth being in Alberta :
- the Okanagan Basin in the southern interior of BC
- the Gulf Islands between Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island
- Bowen Island (in the Metro Vancouver region)
- the Bow River Basin (in southern Alberta)
“Poster content was developed by water experts for specific communities in close collaboration with community representatives and educators through an iterative process of face-to-face discussion and focus groups,” explains Bob Turner. “As a result, Waterscape posters reflect water issues that are most relevant to the local community, and have a sound scientific and technical underpinning. Companion websites and teacher resource kits for schools were elements of this strategy.”
To Learn More:
To download PDF copies of the set of four waterscape posters in the British Columbia-Alberta series, click on the links below:
Okanagan Basin Waterscape: Water – the myth of abundance (38 MB)
Waterscape Bowen Island: Water for our island community (21 MB)
Waterscape Gulf Islands: protecting and conserving our island water (1.4 MB)
Bow River Basin Waterscape: protecting and conserving the shared waters of our Bow River (17 MB)