Waterscape Poster Series tells the stories of land and water resources in British Columbia and Alberta


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In the first decade of the 21st century, the duo of Bob Turner (Natural Resources Canada) and Bill Taylor (Environment Canada) co-led a project to create a series of “waterscape posters”. The desired outcome was to inform and educate practitioners and the community-at-large about the inter-dependency of land and water resources.

The Poster Series

The series comprises waterscape posters for three regions within British Columbia, with the fourth being in Alberta :

  • the Okanagan Basin in the southern interior of BC
  • the Gulf Islands between Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island
  • Bowen Island (in the Metro Vancouver region)
  • the Bow River Basin (in southern Alberta)

Bob Turner_120p“Poster content was developed by water experts for specific communities in close collaboration with community representatives and educators through an iterative process of face-to-face discussion and focus groups,” explains Bob Turner. “As a result, Waterscape posters reflect water issues that are most relevant to the local community, and have a sound scientific and technical underpinning. Companion websites and teacher resource kits for schools were elements of this strategy.”

To Learn More:

To download PDF copies of the set of four waterscape posters in the British Columbia-Alberta series, click on the links below:

Okanagan Basin Waterscape: Water – the myth of abundance (38 MB)

Waterscape Bowen Island: Water for our island community (21 MB)

Waterscape Gulf Islands: protecting and conserving our island water (1.4 MB)

Bow River Basin Waterscape: protecting and conserving the shared waters of our Bow River (17 MB)