“We urge all stakeholders to be inspired by the opportunities the Water Sustainability Act opens to make a difference,” says Tim Pringle


Water Sustainability Act: Introduction to the Legislative Proposal

In October 2013, the BC Ministry of Environment invited British Columbians to comment on the Legislative Proposal for a brand new Water Sustainability Act. The Ministry framed the challenge and opportunity as follows:

“Water is our most important natural resource:  without it, there would be no life on Earth. We all need it – for drinking, washing, cooking, growing food, and supporting every aspect of a healthy environment, a growing economy and our prosperous communities.

In British Columbia, we’re fortunate to have more than 290 unique watersheds, including fish-bearing rivers and streams, spectacular lakes and exceptional wetlands.  But even with this apparent abundance, our water supply is finite.

Given the pressures of a growing population, a changing climate and expanding development, we must take steps to ensure our supply of fresh, clean water is sustainable – not just to meet our needs today, but for generations to come.

The proposed Water Sustainability Act will update and replace the existing Water Act and will benefit all British Columbians – our communities and families, our environment and our economy.”

To download a summary of what is being proposed, click on A Water Sustainability Act for BC: Legislative Proposal Overview.

Build on the Past & Look to the Future

The Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia was one of many organizations that responded to the invitation. The Partnership’s submission was succinct and totalled two pages.2013-AGM_Tim-Pringle_headshot1_120p

“The Partnership applauds the Province for developing the Legislative Proposal with the objective of introducing a final version of the Water Sustainability Act in the legislature in 2014,” states Tim Pringle, President. “We are especially pleased that:

  • The Act represents a quantum leap forward.
  • It sets a direction for the province.
  • Policy development and implementation will follow.
  • The Act would move BC beyond a traditional ‘water allocation’ way-of-thinking and acting.”

“We are aware that some stakeholders may have unattainable expectations as to what may be achievable via a single piece of legislation. We do hope that they will keep in mind that ‘Rome was not built in a day’.”

“We urge all stakeholders to view the Water Sustainability Act in context; be inspired by the opportunities it opens to make a difference; and align efforts to ensure incremental progress that creates a legacy over time,” concludes Tim Pringle.

To Learn More:

To download a copy of the submission by the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC, click on Feedback on the Legislative Proposal for a “Water Sustainability Act for BC”.

Water-Sustainabilitry-Act_Legislative-Proposal-Overview_Oct-2013_seven key areas