Inaugural “Canada Water Week” in March 2011: A Week-Long Celebration of Healthy Rivers, Living Lakes
Healthy Rivers, Living Lakes
Canada Water Week is a week-long celebration of water from coast-to-coast-to-coast, starting March 14 and culminating with World Water Day on March 22, 2011.
“Individuals, organizations and governments across the country are encouraged to get involved by organizing or participating in fun and educational events. Together we will raise the profile and understanding of water and its importance to Canada’s prosperity,” states Lindsay Telfer, National Organizer – Canada Week.
“We want to celebrate from coast-to-coast-to-coast! To that end, we are encouraging individuals and groups across the country to organize fun and educational events in their communities. Art exhibits, concerts, documentary screenings, sporting events; educational activities through libraries, community/recreational centres, museums, schools, water utilities or nature appreciation groups—there’s no end to creatively engaging people on water.”
“Let this year’s theme—Healthy Rivers, Living Lakes—serve as our inspiration! Having healthy rivers and living lakes is critical to all aspects of our lives—recreation, drinking water, family vacations, culture — not to mention the importance to mammals, fish, birds, insects and plants; we all require clean water for our health!”
“The idea is to exercise the positive power of arts and culture to encourage people to embrace and appreciate water in order to protect it.”
To Learn More:
“We created as our shared online home. This bilingual website allows users to: upload and promote events through a calendar and integrated social media; download tools such as logos, web banners and posters; contribute to our Flickr pool of photos; and connect with other individuals and groups across the country,” states Lindsay Telfer.
“We have a team of people available to provide assistance with event ideas, make connections in communities where events are already planned, help with communication efforts and promotions. As we approach Canada Water Week, we will also be promoting activities across the country, generating publicity and creating momentum for participation and attendance at events.”
British Columbia Context
“The BC Government is proud to be a partner and supporter of Canada Water Week activities. National efforts for Canada Water Week are being organized jointly by the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation, WWF-Canada and Living Lakes Network Canada,” reports Stephanie Lepsoe, BC Ministry of Environment lead for Canada Water Week.
“The BC Government is working with provincial/territorial and non-government partners across Canada to celebrate water from coast-to-coast-to-coast.”
Water Charter & Water Sustainability Act
“Premiers across Canada endorsed the Council of Federation Water Charter in August 2010. With its eight commitments relating to water conservation, stewardship, innovation, and climate change adaptation, the Water Charter highlights a range of initiatives that groups and individuals across the province are taking action on.
“Commitment # 7 sets out the following: “Work with public and private sector groups to make a World Water Day – March 22, 2011 – a national event with a visible and coordinated focus on the Water Charter priorities.” British Columbia will be profiling Living Water Smart and progress toward our new Water Sustainability Act. We will showcase our water champions and partnerships in action,” concludes Stephanie Lepsoe.
Posted February 2011