B.C. needs to get water rules right, says University of Victoria’s POLIS Project on Ecological Governance
Water Sustainability in British Columbia
“Slightly over two years ago, the B.C. government (not just the minister of environment) committed itself to developing and implementing a visionary water strategy, including a commitment to update existing water laws for the province,” write Oliver Brandes and Rod Dobell in an article published in the Vancouver Sun newspaper on November 24, 2010.
“Getting our water rules and management right has the potential to make everyone involved look good,” emphasizes Oliver Brandes. “Water is our most important asset and investing in this ‘natural capital market’ will ensure benefits for all of us now and into the future.”
“From a policy perspective some answers are clear. Experience elsewhere suggests much of what is needed and possible.”
To Learn More:
To read the complete article online, and to download a copy, click on B.C. needs to get water rules right
Oliver Brandes is the associate director and water sustainability project leader at the University of Victoria’s POLIS Project on Ecological Governance. Rod Dobell is professor emeritus of public policy at the POLIS Project.
Posted November 2010