Building the Green Economy: ‘Beyond the Guidebook 2010’ featured at BC Hydro Power Smart Forum on October 25



Note to Readers:

The rollout of Beyond the Guidebook 2010 commenced on September 27th at the 2010 annual convention of local governments. During the week of October 25, there will be presentations at three regional events, including the 2010 BC Hydro Power Smart Forum: Building the Green Economy. This leading conference is expected to attract about 1000 delegates.

Different members of the ‘convening for action’ partnership are rolling out Beyond the Guidebook 2010 at these regional events. The team of Kim Stephens, Ray Fung and Mike Tanner are delivering the presentation at the Power Smart Forum.


Preparing for Climate Change

In May 2010, the BC Hydro Power Smart team convened a select group of community leaders from across the province for a one-day dialogue.


Creating a Conservation Culture

“The intention is to learn with and from each other about what we can do to advance community based efforts in creating a conservation culture in BC,” stated Pia Nagpal (Program Manager for Community Engagement) in her opening remarks to the group.

Pia nagpal (120p) - bc hydro power smart“At this year’s Power Smart Forum, we have incorporated a session about Beyond the Guidebook 2010 because it demonstrates what can be accomplished when one implements a culture change. Beyond the Guidebook 2010 is the story of doing business differently in the local government setting.”


Convening for Action in British Columbia

Kim Stephens, Ray Fung and Mike Tanner will be elaborating on elements of the “convening for action story” in an integrated presentation. They will introduce the context for changing water management practices at the site level, explain the BC process for moving from awareness to action, and describe how the Water Bucket website is the key to the communication strategy.


To Learn More:

To read the complete story posted on the Convening for Action Community-of-Interest, click on Building the Green Economy: ‘Beyond the Guidebook 2010’ featured at BC Hydro Power Smart Forum on October 25


2010 bc hydro power smart forum - kim, ray and mike

Posted October 2010