Replacement treatment plant for Metro Vancouver’s North Shore: ‘Cleaner wastewater will cost – a lot’, states newspaper headline



Lions gate sewage treatment plant


The Challenge

The ~50-year old Lions Gate Sewage Treatment Plant serves 174,000 residents who live on the North Shore of the Metro Vancouver region. For the past two years, regional elected representatives have been wrestling with the issue of how to fund the $400 million cost for a replacement facility.
“North Shore residents will see a 600 per cent spike in their annual utility bills unless the provincial and federal governments agree to help pay for federally mandated wastewater treatment upgrades,” writes reporter Niamh Scallan in the North Shore News.
“Wrapping Kim stephens - 2010 (120p)their minds around how to finance treatment plants in an era where there are no senior government subsidies has been a challenge (for the politicians). We need to do it, we have to do it and it's all about how we get on with it,” states Kim Stephens, Chair of the advisory Metro Vancouver Reference Panel that reports to the regional board.


To learn more:

To read the complete article published by the North Shore News, click on Cleaner wastewater will cost – a lot.

To better understand the regional context, click on Metro Vancouver Board adopts precedent-setting Integrated Liquid Waste & Resource Management Plan


Posted July 2010