Stoney Creek Environment Committee celebrates 20th anniversary of ‘The Great Salmon Send-Off’ in the City of Burnbaby
20 Years of Celebrating the Pacific Salmon
BURNABY, BC; April 20, 2010 – The Stoney Creek Environment Committee is celebrating the 20th anniversary of The Great Salmon Send Off on May 8. For complete details, click on The Great Salmon Send-Off 2010 (news release)
The annual Great Salmon Send Off creates awareness about Stoney Creek’s fragile urban ecosystem and serves to protect it through eco-friendly practices and green alternatives. The highlight of the event is the Department of Fisheries release of 3,000 Coho salmon smolts into the creek. The event also features environmentally-themed displays and family-friendly activities.
Water for Life
Jennifer Atchison, founding member and long-time volunteer for the Stoney Creek Environment Committee, states “this year's theme is Water for Life in recognition of being half way through the United Nation's International Decade for Action 'Water for Life' 2005-2015. Although Stoney Creek is not a source of drinking water, the salmon and the bugs they depend on for food rely on the stream as a life source. Good water quality is critical to their survival.”
Atchison adds, “our display will show how we measure water quality and highlight the need to keep pollutants out of streams.”
Posted April 2010