Australia Highlights Lack Of Water Governance In Canada



Note to Reader:

Gov Monitor is a global platform for internationally respected and innovative online news and information. Gov Monitor offers readers an array of government news and information from the United States and around the world. To learn more, click here. In January 2010, it published an Australian assessment of water oppportunities in Canada.

“The Australians see a business opportunity in Canada, in large part because they perceive that Canada lags behind Australia in developing technology and products to address the dependent relationship between energy, water and food. As the Australians see it, Canada is an emerging market for them,” comments Kim Stephens, Executive Director of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia


An Australian Perspective

Climate change (evaporation of fresh surface water), Canada’s major energy and resource sectors, bulk water exports, rapid urban growth, and subsequent ageing infrastructure are all driving the country’s water drain at a time when water demand is at an all time high in Canada.

Sixty per cent of Canada’s rivers flow north into the Arctic and most are difficult to access. In addition, the country’s supply of glacier water is not replaceable and difficult to reach. Canada has the highest individual consumption of water after the USA and doesn’t have a national water policy in place.

There is a lack of water governance in Canada, especially at the federal level. The Conference Board of Canada has said that Canada is not ready for the challenges ahead, including demand on resources due to global economic growth and continued climate change.


Opportunities for Australian providers

Despite Canada’s emerging water challenges, most Canadian provinces and municipalities are just now developing water conservation programs or are still conducting water demand management research and analysis.

The dependent relationship between energy, water and food is just now being defined in Canada. Add the growing affects of climate change and Canada’s need for cutting-edge water technologies, services, advice and leadership is likely to grow.

There are opportunities for Australian service and technology providers to enter Canada and make first mover advantage of the country’s early stage adoption of water conservation, demand management, and efficiency programs and policies.


To LEarn More:

To read the complete story as reported in the Gov Monitor, click on Australia Highlights Lack Of Water Governance In Canada.


Posted January 2010