Alignment with the “Canada-wide Strategy” establishes timeline for new treatment plants in Metro Vancouver

Metro vancouver - final plan - nov 2009 (360p)

Metro Vancouver's Plan

In late November 2009, Metro Vancouver released the the final version of the region's Integrated Liquid Waste and Resource Management Plan; and the advisory Reference Panel presented their independent assessment to the Metro Vancouver Waste Management Committee.  

Based on the Canada-wide Strategy for the Management of Municipal Wastewater Effluent and the assessment made by its Environmental Monitoring Committee, Metro Vancouver has concluded that replacement of the Lions Gate treatment plant should proceed within a 10-year timeline (i.e. by 2020) and Iona Island within a 20-year timeline (i.e. by 2030).

Johnny carline“The Canada-wide Strategy sets baseline wastewater management criteria, timelines and prioritization methodologies, and formalizes processes to assess environmental risk,” states Johnny Carline, Metro Vancouver's Chief Administrative Officer.


Reference Panel calls for senior governments to demonstrate 'Shared Responsibility'

“Ensuring the health of Burrard Inlet, the Fraser River and the Georgia Strait is important to our quality of life, and to our social and economic health,” comments Christianne Wilhelmson, Reference Panel Co-Chair.

“To achieve the Plan’s vision, Metro Vancouver members accept the need for replacement of both the Lions Gate and Iona treatment plants, and are looking to REAC presentation (feb 2009)  - christianne wilhelmson (120p)senior governments to demonstrate their shared responsibility and commitment by providing fair and equitable cost-sharing so that both can be replaced sooner rather than later, and preferably no later than 2020. Otherwise, the region is looking at nearly 20 years (as a latest date) for replacing the Iona plant which treats nearly 50% of the region’s sewage.

“It is the view of the Metro Vancouver Reference Panel that the effective implementation of the Canada-wide Strategy not only creates an obligation on the part of the senior governments to step up to the plate and fulfill their social and environmental responsibilities, it also creates an obligation to support communities that believe it is imperative to improve sewage treatment as soon as possible.”

To learn more about the Metro Vancouver Plan, click on Metro Vancouver Reference Panel applauds region's “Integrated Liquid Waste & Resource Management Plan”.


Posted December 2009