Living Water Smart website provides useful suggestions for reducing water use during the current drought
British Columbians use about 490 litres of water a day
We drink only 3 percent of the water we use, with the rest going down the drain, down the toilet, or used to wash our cars and water our gardens. By adopting water-efficient activities and technologies, we can reduce water use, energy bills, and help the environment! The Living Water Smart website provides helpful tips about easy actions to reduce water use, inside and outside the house.
Easy Actions to Save Water
The Home Water Assessment developed as part of the Living Water Smart provincial initiative is a learning activity that a family can do together. The assessment comprises a series of questions to help British Columbians think about how we use water at home. Living Water Smart encouages you to compare your usual practices with those that are the most water smart, and identify steps to reduce your water usage and impact.
By taking steps in and around their homes, Living Water Smart points out that British Columbians can reduce their annual water use by approximately 35% and save on energy costs at the same time.
To Learn More:
Download a copy of Home Water Assessment.
What is the Living Water Smart Plan?
It is the Province of British Columbia’s vision and commitment to ensuring that our water stays healthy and secure. Living Water Smart is a comprehensive plan for sustainable management of all freshwater (surface and groundwater), protection of aquatic ecosystems and encouraging water smart behaviour and community development practices. The plan commits to new actions and targets and builds on existing work underway in the province to protect and keep our water safe.