BC Ground Water Association’s 2009 Convention includes a session on water-centric planning in BC
From March 3rd through March 6th, the British Columbia Ground Water Association will be holding its 39th Annual Trade Show & Convention in Penticton. This is the most important annual event for all people working in the drilling and ground water related fields, as well as for groundwater system owners, users and designers.
Water Sustainability in BC
The convention technical program includes a session on water sustainability initiatives in British Columbia. “Ground water is an important component of the debate on sustainable use of natural resources,” states Dr. Ineke Kalwij, technical program co-organizer. “Protecting ground water resources…quality and quantity…for future generations is essential.”
“A good point of discussion for the convention techncial sessions is “are we doing enough to safeguard our ground water resources for the future“? In other words, are we (B.C.) ready for the future?”
“Gilles Wendling and I have put together technical sessions with the objective of bringing together people working in the field of ground water, representatives from municipalities, governmental, non-governmental organizations, water purveyors, researchers, universities, consultants, etc. to share and discuss concepts, work and ideas pertinent to achieving sustainable ground water management at local, regional, and watershed levels.”
Technical Program
“One of these sessions is titled Sustainable Initiatives in BC. The speakers/presentations are cascading in scope…from high-level to ground-level. Their unifying theme is how we can create the future that we want.”
“We are hoping that good discussions take place during panel sessions; and that these identify what work needs to be capitalized on to ensure sustainable ground water management.” For information on convention registration, click here.
The Natural City
Vic Derman is the keynote speaker at the luncheon, and will speak to The Natural City – An Approach to Urban Sustainability. Well-versed in a water-centric way-of-thinking, Vic Derman chaired the organizing committee and was the driving force behind the highly successful 2006 Water in the City Conference, held in Victoria. He is a Director of the Capital Regional District; and is Vice-Chair of the Capital Region Water Commission. To learn more, click on The Natural City Vision: Three Lenses to Shape the Future of Urban Communities in British Columbia.
Posted February 2009