Intensity Units: An Effective Approach to Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions?



Article published in Innovation Magazine, January/February 2008

The debate about Climate Change has generated a policy war between proponents of “hard caps” versus those who favour “intensity unit” approaches to regulating discharges of greenhouse gases.

In an article by Peter K. Krahn, PEng.titled Intensity Units: An Effective Approach to Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and published in the January/February issue of  Innovation magazine, the author states that: “those against intensity units frequently argue that this approach will result in continual increases in carbon dioxide output, however, there is insufficient substantive evidence to support this position.” 

The author argues that intensity units are in fact an effective tool for measuring performance in reducing pollution and ensuring that the public interest is protected.

A focus of the article is on the characteristics of regulatee behaviour and the public and government’s ability to modify that behaviour through both punitive and reward or “carrot and stick” policies.


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To read the complete article, please click here.


Posted July 2008