Posted February 2006

Communities across the continent are adopting smart growth strategies to reach environmental, community, and economic goals. The environmental goals include water benefits that accrue when development strategies use compact development forms, a mix of uses, better use of existing infrastructure, and preservation of critical environmental areas.

Given the “built in” water benefits of smart growth at the site, neighborhood and watershed levels, smart growth techniques and policies are emerging as BMPs to manage stormwater runoff over the life of development and redevelopment projects.

The goal of this document is to help communities that have adopted smart growth policies and plans recognize the water benefits of those smart growth techniques, and suggest ways to integrate those policies into stormwater planning and compliance. Taking credit for the work a community is already doing can be a low-cost and practical approach to meeting water quality goals and regulatory commitments. Examples of smart growth techniques and approaches covered in this publication include:

1. Regional planning
2. Infill development
3. Redevelopment policies
4. Special development districts (e.g., transit oriented development and brownfields redevelopment)
5. Tree and canopy programs
6. Parking policies to reduce the number of spaces needed or the footprint of the lot
7. “Fix-It-First” infrastructure policies
8. Smart growth street designs
9. Stormwater utilities

For a free hard copy of this publication, please email ncepimal@one.net or call (800) 490-9198.

An online version of this publication is available by clicking here.

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