
George Hanson

    THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC HAS GIVEN US TIME TO PAUSE, REFLECT AND SEIZE THE MOMENT: “The French word ‘prevoyant’ has no English equivalent. It is the power of a prepared mind to act upon chance events in a world of deep uncertainty,” wrote George Hanson, President & CEO, Vancouver Island Economic Alliance

    “Being ‘stuck in the past’ has always been a liability. Now, as the pace of everything accelerates, it is logical to expect disruption. It is prudent to be nimble and responsive. Pulitzer Prize winning historian, David Hackett Fischer wrote that prevoyant is also ‘learning to make sound judgements on the basis of imperfect knowledge; taking a broad view in projects of large purpose; and thinking for the long run’. It has been said that ‘providence favours a prepared mind’. In business, in life, in community, it has always been beneficial to look ahead. ” stated George Hanson.

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    VIEA hosts 5th Annual "State of the Island Economic Summit" on October 18-19,2011

    The Vancouver Island Economic Alliance is a collaborative partnership spearheading regional economic development for the Vancouver Island region. VIEA provides the means for a multitude of stakeholders to collaborate. “A review of local planning documents shows that as well as community specific goals, each community on Vancouver Island is working towards three common goals: a diversified economic base, improved relationships with neighbouring First Nations, and sustainability,” stated Cori Lynn Germiquet.

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    Linking Island Leaders Project: Where there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved

    “During a 12-month period ending October 2010, VIEA administered a research project that we called Linking Island Leaders. The results of this project contained the collective voices of several hundred island leaders. What they shared with us went way beyond the initial mandate of the project and set the foundation for a huge leap forward in Regional Economic Readiness,” stated Rick Roberts. “Just imagine the strength of committed individuals all working towards a common focus…to create a legacy for all communities on Vancouver Island.”

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    The Public Infrastructure Dilemma – How Will We Sustain Our Water, Our Streets and Ourselves?

    “Sustainable Service Delivery is the Province’s branding for a comprehensive approach to infrastructure asset management. This approach goes beyond an accountant’s life-cycle analysis. The paradigm-shift starts with land use planning,” explains Kim Stephens. “A key message is that all those involved in land development have a role to play in achieving Sustainable Service Delivery….that views the watershed and the strategy through an environmental lens.”

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    KEY MESSAGE: Get It Right at the Front-End for Long-Term Sustainability

    “The change in approach starts with land use planning and determining what infrastructure and services can be provided sustainably, both fiscally and ecologically. Another key message is that all those involved in land development have a role to play in achieving Sustainable Service Delivery,” states Judy Walker. “The topic for the town-hall part is Sustainable Service Delivery Means Integrate Land Use Planning and Infrastructure Asset Management. Our goal is that attendees will be inspired to apply what they have learned to their own situations.”

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    "Forum within the Summit" attracts large turnout at the 2011 State of the Island Economic Summit

    “Branded as a ‘Forum within the Summit’, the focus of this session was on solutions to the ‘infrastructure liability’ challenge confronting all local governments. The Comox Valley is a provincial demonstration region for a regional and replicable approach to Sustainable Service Delivery. The Comox Valley regional team told their story and provided a context for open dialogue about challenges and solutions,” reports Tim Pringle. He introduced the mantra: “One market, from Cobble Hill to Campbell River”. He also described the development context in the mid-Island region.

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    Sustainable Service Delivery Links Land Use Planning, Watershed Health and ‘Infrastructure Liability’

    “As infrastructure ages and fails, local governments cannot keep up with renewal and/or replacement. Fiscal constraints provide a powerful impetus for doing business differently. Green infrastructure is part of a holistic approach to ‘achieve more with less’,” explained Glen Brown. “The term Sustainable Service Delivery describes a life-cycle way of thinking about infrastructure needs and how to pay for those needs over time. The link between asset management and the protection of a community’s natural resources is emerging as an important piece in Sustainable Service Delivery.”

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    PUBLICATION: Comox Valley Local Governments Showcase “A Regional Response to Infrastructure Liability”

    Comox Valley local governments are aligning efforts, building leadership capacity and striving for consistency. “We have moved beyond continuing education solely for the purpose of professional development. We are exploring what implementation of regional policy means on the ground,” states Glenn Westendorp. “All those involved in land development have a role to play in achieving Sustainable Service Delivery. The players include land use and infrastructure professionals.”

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    George Hanson is the new president of the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance

    Well known for his achievements in community, organizational and economic development, George Hanson brings a wealth of experience along with a reputation for getting things done and making a difference. Hanson is a long-time advocate for collaborative approaches to regional economic and community development and widely regarded for his combination of visionary persistence and business pragmatism. His first tasks as the new VIEA President will be to guide the fifth annual State of the Island Economic Summit to success in October and to continue to promote Vancouver Island.

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    2011 Comox Valley Seminar Series is Springboard to Vancouver Island Economic Summit in October

    “We must look outside our boundaries and work with our neighbouring communities for the betterment of all. Vancouver Island could be a test case…to show the world literally….how we can collaborate and pull things together,” stated Eric Bonham. At the 2011 State of the Island Economic Summit, CAVI-Convening for Action on Vancouver Island and the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA) are holding a pre-Summit session that is being described as a “Forum within the Summit”.

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