
forest hydrology

    GEORGIA BASIN INTER-REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVE: “Those who forged their career on the basis of the old will never admit to the wrong precedent. These are the counter-revolutionary forces!” stated Dr. Younes Alila, professional engineer and professor in the UBC Faculty of Forestry

    “The story of my forest hydrology research over the past 30 years is actually a traumatizing story,” stated Younes Alila. “Most of the landscapes in British Columbia and most of our watersheds are sitting at a very heightened risk when it comes to hydrology and geomorphology. The risks are greater than we were led to believe by government, industry, and professionals. Now the genie is out of the bottle regarding RISK and LIABILITY. Once they know about the science of extremes and frequency, professionals have a duty to protect the public and properly advise policy makers.”

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