
YouTube Videos

YOUTUBE VIDEO: “The worth of a creekshed is a package of ecological services made possible by the hydrology,” stated Tim Pringle, Chair, Ecological Accounting Process (EAP), when he shared what has been learned from two Vancouver Island demonstration applications

“By providing a value for the land underlying the stream and riparian zone, stakeholders have a much more realistic idea of the worth of the ecological services supplied by environmental assets,” stated Tim Pringle. “This form of financial information can be used for asset management strategies related to ‘Asset Management for Sustainable Service Delivery: A BC Framework’. This guidance document sets a strategic direction that refocuses local government business processes on outcomes that reduce life-cycle costs and risks.”

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YOUTUBE VIDEO: “Although local governments in British Columbia can influence a number of activities that impact watershed health in their jurisdictions, many face challenges in addressing watershed pressures,” stated Christine Mettler, Canadian Freshwater Alliance

“Our goal in carrying out the research was that the findings would be reflective of local government experience. Of course, we understood that experience differs based on the organization, but we also recognized that it is really empirically grounded and speaks to certain trends or tendencies – in other words, it might not be everyone’s experience, but it is experienced by some,” stated Christine Mettler. “This research was informed by a few different components, principally an online survey supplemented by interviews.”

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YOUTUBE VIDEO: “Streamkeepers and municipalities both have a great deal of unexercised power and capacity to collaborate in the interests of the common good,” stated Bob Sandford in his closing synthesis at the Nanaimo Water Stewardship Symposium (April 2018)

“You have only started; and in so doing, you can move outside the limitations of formal, established governance structures,” stated Bob Sandford. “It is the way to move out from under that, to build new governance pathways. And pathways to real power that can allow you to make change possible in a much shorter period of time. You have proven that, if you change your attitudes, changes in practice follow almost immediately. So, I ask and urge you to carry on. Don’t just be satisfied with slowing and reversing past damage. Keep working to make your world better.”

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NANAIMO WATER STEWARDSHIP SYMPOSIUM – ON YOUTUBE (April 11-12, 2018): “The vision for restorative development is an idea whose time has come – and a set of videos uploaded to YouTube provide a permanent record of this watershed moment,” stated John Finnie, Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia

“The movies are out! Videos taken at the symposium are now posted on YouTube,” announced John Finnie. “While we are not looking for an Oscar, we must say that the quality of video production is outstanding. Our videographer, Gary Prendergast, has done a fabulous job of blending audio with PowerPoint slides. The extra effort to record the day has resulted in a legacy resource that will give life to the Symposium as a ‘watershed moment’.”

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