
Convening for Action in 2010

SHARED RESPONSIBILITY: Local Government Perspectives on Developing and Implementing the 100-Year Action Plan for Watershed Restoration – “Having a coordinator was huge; and the decision to designate municipal staff to sit on the BCI committee was equally important. This gave us a mandate to help direct and inform the process,” stated Anne Topp, Manager of Community Planning, District of Saanich (February 2010)

STORY #4 “The Shelbourne Plan could help through policy connection to institutionalize and help drive early implementation of the Blueprint. How the story of the Blueprint and the vision for the Shelbourne Corridor are blended and the story articulated to mayor and council will be important. How the two are linked may be crucial to the ultimate success of both plans,” predicts Anne Topp.

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CALL TO ACTION: Bowker Creek Forum advanced a ‘regional team approach’ in the Georgia Basin by providing a platform for local government champions from ‘north of the Malahat’ and from Metro Vancouver to learn from the Bowker Blueprint experience (February 2010)

STORY #5 The Bowker Creek Forum was a celebration of the Bowker Creek Blueprint; and attracted a diverse audience of 60 people from around the Georgia Basin. “I got a lot out of the Forum. I got a sense of the similar problems we are facing up and down Vancouver Island. We all have come some distance towards a more sustainable approach and the ‘weaving’ that CAVI is doing is definitely helping us stay on track, realize where we are in comparison to other places and learn from each other,” commented Jack Minard,.

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BOWKER CREEK FORUM: Links to downloadable versions of PowerPoint presentations – “Keeping track of actions and setting priorities for future actions is key so that we do not feel overwhelmed at the beginning,” stated Adriane Pollard, Environmental Planner, District of Saanich (February 2010)

BCI success started with the hiring of a Coordinator. It meant one person was responsible and had dedicated time for setting up meetings, writing up minutes, and getting work done. Also, having a Coordinator helped obtain grants. “Council has been recently engaged by the Bowker Creek Initiative: a bus tour pf the watershed; an open house for Councillors to be introduced to the Draft Blueprint; a public open house; and presentations to Council committees. There is generally a good feeling and understanding of the work being done,” reported Adrianne Pollard

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BOWKER CREEK FORUM: Links to video clips posted on YouTube – “All the parties saw the Trent Street Rain Garden as a learning opportunity. This type of green feature is the future of good watershed management in Bowker Creek and other watersheds in our region,” stated Steven Fifield, Manager of Underground Utilities, City of Victoria (February 2010)

“You have to be committed and you have to think long-term. I believe the City of Victoria is forward thinking in terms of environmental responsibility. As soon as we heard about rain gardens, we felt that they were the way to go. So we had to find an opportunity to build one and be successful,” stated Steven Fifield. “We looked and we thought, and then a situation presented itself. This was on Trent Street, a small cul-de-sac in an institutional area. Bowker Creek is nearby. So location-wise, this was a great opportunity.”

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BOWKER CREEK FORUM: A Celebration of the 100-Year Blueprint for Watershed Restoration – “The Bowker Creek Forum creates an opportunity for local municipal staff and others to learn about urban watershed management successes and challenges from the Bowker Creek Initiative,” stated Jody Watson, Chair, Bowker Creek Initiative (December 2009)

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT: “The Bowker Creek Forum creates an opportunity for local municipal staff and others to learn about and share urban watershed management successes and challenges,” stated Jody Watson. The Bowker Creek Initiative is a collaboration between local governments, community groups, post-secondary institutions and private citizens, to improve the health of Bowker Creek and its watershed.

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BOWKER CREEK FORUM: A Celebration of the 100-Year Blueprint for Watershed Restoration – “An absorbent topsoil layer has emerged as a fundamental building block for achieving water sustainability outcomes through implementation of green infrastructure practices,” stated Ray Fung, Chair, Green Infrastructure Partnership (January 2010)

SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT: The Bowker Forum will be the venue for the provincial launch of the TopsoilLaw and Policy and Technical Primer Set. “The targeted water sustainability outcomes are: less irrigation water use; and reduced rainwater runoff. Susan Rutherford of West Coast Environmental Law and Remi Dube of the City of Surrey are the co-leads for the topsoil initiative. Susan synthesized the experience of participating municipalities in order to create the Law & Policy Primer. Remi was responsible for the Technical Primer,” stated Raymond Fung.

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