
2010 State of the Island Economic Summit

VANCOUVER ISLAND: "Coming Together is a Beginning. Keeping Together is Progress. Working Together is Success."

“One of the highlights at this year’s Economic Summit will be the ‘What We Heard’ document. Our team has been collecting pieces of the puzzle which will create a picture of economic development for Vancouver Island,” stated Cori Lynn Germiquet. One of the most pressing priorities that has emerged on Vancouver Island is creating awareness of the role that regional collaboration plays in strategic economic development.

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British Columbia’s Premier Gordon Campbell speaks to the "convening for action" vision for Vancouver Island

“We get to make our own choices. We get to make our own future. We just have to have the vision to imagine, and the tenacity to pursue it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it,” stated Premier Gordon Campbell. “A future with a great environment that’s clean and healthy. A future with communities that are strong and resilient in the face of change. Those dreams can be realized by working together.”

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Eric Bonham connects the dots between Nanaimo Water Pricing Workshop and Vancouver Island Economic Summit

“From all corners of Vancouver Island and in all sectors, leaders are wanting opportunities to collaborate, communicate and share best practices, resources and information. The general consensus is that there is unnecessary comnpetition and that everyone on the Island would benefit from more collaboration and sharing on all levels. Now is not the time to be only concerned with issues within our defined community boundaries and subregions” stated Eric Bonham.

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Convening for Action on Vancouver Island: Visionary People Face the Same Problems Everyone Else Faces

“The phrase water for life and livelihoods conveys the fundamental principles of sustainability of natural systems in their own right and in relation to the health and wellbeing of people who benefit from the use of water for basic life needs and economic activity,” stated John Finnie, CAVI Chair. “Water sustainability can and will be achieved through implementation of green infrastructure policies and practices. Getting there requires a change in mind-set.”

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2010 State of the Island Economic Summit: "You Never Change Things by Fighting the Existing Reality"

The objective of the session led by Iain Cuthbert on the Business of Sustainability was to facilitate dialogue on opportunities related to the business of sustainability such as: the environmental industry and sustainable development practices, Green Buildings, and the many opportunities for sustainable, renewable energy on Vancouver Island. “Sustainability ranks high on the legislative agendas of most governments, media coverage of the topic is widespread and sustainability issues are on the tops of minds of many Vancouver Islanders,” states Iain Cuthbert. “What is less known are the business implications and opportunities related to sustainability on Vancouver Island. What are businesses doing now to capitalize on sustainability driven agendas and to participate in the ‘Green Economy’?”

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VIEA announces that Bruce Sampson will make keynote presentation at 4th Annual State of the Island Econcomic Summit

Bruce Sampson spent much of his early career in the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance in Victoria. The latter part of his career was spent at BC Hydro where he had several positions, including Vice President of Strategic Planning and finally Vice President of Sustainability. Bruce was BC Hydro’s representative on the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and he and his team played a significant role in leading BC Hydro’s sustainable development strategy.

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