
2008 Cowichan Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series

FLASHBACK TO 2008: "A performance target approach to land development makes sense, can meet multiple objectives, and thereby result in net environmental benefits at a watershed scale," stated Kim Stephens at the concluding seminar in the Cowichan Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series (July 2008)

“Once we went back to basics and developed the concept of a Rainfall Spectrum, this then led into the concept of Performance Targets for rainwater runoff capture. The reason runoff percentage is the performance target is that municipalities exert control over runoff volume through their land development and infrastructure policies, practices and actions,” explained Kim Stephens.

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Summary Report on 2008 Cowichan Valley Learning Lunch Seminar Series

“Vancouver Island is the demonstration region for building a regional team approach so that there will be a common understanding and consistent messaging regarding on-the-ground expectations for rainwater management and green infrastructure. The Cowichan Valley Regional District hosted the first Learning Lunch Series during the period June-July 2008,” stated Kim Stephens.

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2008 Cowichan Valley Learning Lunch Series: List of Water Bucket Stories

“Throughout the series, our theme and our challenge has been to ask participants what will everyone do better or differently to achieve a shared vision for the Cowichan Valley. This is why it was so important to get everyone thinking in terms of the What – So What – Now What mind-map. The goal is to implement the New Business As Usual,” stated David Hewetson.

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Pilot program for “Learning Lunch Seminar Series” launched in the Cowichan Valley: Seminar #1 held on June 6, 2008

“A message that we are hearing from local government is the increased expectation for rainwater management. For that reason, we have brought together this inter-governmental group to develop a policy framework for our region. We are hoping to foster a dialogue that will result in adoption of a set of tools for implementing green infrastructure that is based on a rainwater management way-of-thinking,” stated Kate Miller.

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Cowichan Valley Learning Lunch Seminar #2 – focus on legal and policy strategies

The Develop with Care guidance document is intended to assist people who are involved in planning, implementing, reviewing and/or approving land developments in British Columbia’s urban and rural areas. ts primary purpose is to provide province-wide guidelines for the maintenance of environmental values during the development of urban and rural lands,” stated Marlene Caskey.

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Cowichan Valley Learning Lunch Seminar #3 – focus on watershed targets for protecting stream health

“Within the Cowichan Valley Regional District, there are five local government jurisdictions; and the same group of developers and development consultants have projects in all or most of those jurisdictions. It therefore becomes essential that developers and their consultants hear a consistent message regarding rainwater management and green infrastructure expectations when doing business at the front counters in each of those jurisdictions,” stated Peter Nilsen.

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