
2007 Green Infrastructure Leadership Forum

Creating Our Future on Vancouver Island – Green Infrastructure Leadership Forum organized by CAVI will celebrate successes and showcase innovation

“A Positive Settlement Strategy means benefits exceed liabilities. Settlement and ecology are equal values, and they must be as much in balance as possible for the wellbeing of human and natural systems. We are convening for action so that we can provide practitioners with the tools and experience to implement Design with Nature policies and practices,” stated Tim Pringle.

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Creating Our Future on Vancouver Island – Green Infrastructure Leadership Forum will initiate a dialogue about A Positive Settlement Strategy

Water sustainability on Vancouver Island will be achieved through implementation of green infrastructure policies, practices and standards.“If we are to control our destiny, then we need to challenge Vancouver Islanders to visualize what they want this place to look like in 50 years and get on with creating our future,” stated Rod Sherrell, AVICC President (2007).

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Creating Our Future in Ucluelet: from Vision to Implementation

“Through careful planning and strong local political support, Ucluelet has successfully implemented ‘smart growth’ sustainable planning tools. Ucluelet’s planning principles can be implemented and transferred to larger cities or other rural communities experiencing development pressures,” concluded Felice Mazzoni.

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Implementing 'green value on the ground' in the City of Courtenay

“Courtenay is taking a proactive integrated approach to how it does business. Our Strategic Plan, Official Community Plan and other related documents are being drafted or amended to ensure that sustainability, livability and reducing our environmental footprint is achieved,” stated Kevin Lagan.

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