

GEORGIA BASIN INTER-REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVE: “There is hope because we are seeing renewed interest by local governments to talk about how to operationalize Asset Management for Sustainable Service Delivery,” stated Arnold Schwabe, Executive Director with Asset Management BC

Arnold Schwabe’s focus is on what local governments are supposed to do. Too often, he observes, councils do not understand the purposes and function of local government. “When I receive requests to talk to elected officials,” he says, “that opens the door for me to help them understand that their job is about the service not the assets. Downloading is a real issue and local governments are frustrated with the Province. I say that from the perspective of someone whose career experience over 35 years includes working for and with all three levels of government.”

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CHRONICLE OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE INNOVATION: “Technical people have to demonstrate cost-effectiveness in order to transform political acceptability into political will to implement change and spend money,” stated Barry Janyk (1952-2024), former 4-term mayor of Gibsons & moderator for the SmartStorm Forum Series (1999-2001)

The context for the Partnership for Water Sustainability celebrating the life of Barry Janyk is the Smartstorm Forum Series. This transformational series fueled a movement and galvanized an ecosystem-based approach to rainwater management and green infrastructure within the Georgia Basin bioregion of southwestern British Columbia. Barry Janyk, who was then mayor of Gibsons, infused the SmartStorm Forum Series with his passion. He was the political champion who carried the green infrastructure torch to the Metro Vancouver Regional Board and then to UBCM.

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CHRONICLE OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE INNOVATION: “Knowing what we know, it is not as simple as going from an X to a tick mark in each column of the table of cascading factors,” stated Ray Fung, past-chair of the Green Infrastructure Partnership (2008-2011)

Nine cascading factors that must be in alignment to implement a course correction. At the top of the list of cascading factors is political leadership and commitment to the shared vision. Leadership boils down to a willingness to act and bring together other champions willing to provide the type of energy and organizational drive that overcomes inertia. “You have to build new political commitment and basically start all over again in a new crucible phase…where you coalition-build to develop a new shared vision, etc.,” stated Ray Fung.

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