WATERSHED MOMENTS, THE VIDEO TRILOGY: “In 2020, the Watershed Moment team succeeded in our mission to create a broadcast quality legacy resource. We are thrilled that Shaw Cable has televised the trilogy multiple times across Vancouver Island. It is the resource that keeps on giving,” stated Paul Chapman, Chair, Vancouver Island Symposia Series on Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate
Note to Reader:
The Watershed Moments Symposia Series is a building blocks process. Each event builds on the last and points the way to the next. Symposia programs are built around success stories – inspirational in nature, local in scale, and precedent-setting in scope and outcome. In short, these precedents can be replicated and/or adapted in other communities. The target audiences are staff and decision makers at all levels of government, including First Nations. In 2020, Watershed Moments was delivered virtually due to the COVID pandemic. This created the opportunity to create a set a three video documentaries. These are a legacy resource and have been broadcast multiple times on Shaw Cable’s Vancouver Island network.
Reconnect People, Land and Water in Altered Landscapes
“The Watershed series will start running on Shaw Spotlight in Nanaimo and Parksville starting on Friday August 6th repeating the three episodes every week until the end of September. The air time are Sundays & Thursdays at 1pm, and Tuesdays & Saturdays at 7pm. “In January and February 2021, all Shaw stations across Vancouver Island ran the series every day of the week for three repeating cycles,” explained Jocelyn Matwe, Producer of Shaw Spotlight, when the decision to re-broadcast the Watershed Moments Trilogy was announced in July 2021.
“In 2020, we succeeded in our mission to create a broadcast quality legacy resource. We are thrilled that Shaw Cable has televised the trilogy multiple times across Vancouver Island. It is the resource that keeps on giving. Each video in the series is a documentary that brings in elements of a TED Talk. This is a game-changer,” stated Paul Chapman, Chair of Watershed Moments, the Vancouver Island Symposia Series on Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate. Paul is the Executive Director, Nanaimo & Area Land Trust (NALT).
Watch the Video Trilogy on YouTube:
A Remarkable Accomplishment
“The Watershed Moment Team represents 10 organizations. This includes four layers of government – federal, provincial, regional district and municipal. In less than six months, this remarkable team produced not one but THREE documentaries, with each one being two hours in duration,” added Kim Stephens, Executive Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia.
“This is a remarkable accomplishment. Consider that the time from start to finish to produce a single feature-length documentary is typically about one year. When the folks at Shaw Cable saw the high production quality, they jumped at the chance to broadcast the trilogy on their Vancouver Island network of community channels. And now, anyone in the world with an Internet connection can view the Watershed Moments trilogy on YouTube.”
To Learn More:
For a program synopsis and to read a description of each module in the virtual symposium, download a copy of 3rd Annual Symposium Reimagined as Video Trilogy Series.
A Team-Building Experience
“Producing three videos in just six months required an incredible commitment by all 15 members of the Watershed Moments Team – in particular, volunteer extraordinaire David Mackenzie and the District of North Vancouver’s Richard Boase played pivotal roles behind and in front of the camera, respectively,” emphasized Paul Chapman.
“David Mackenzie’s video production skill-set, coupled with his can-do confidence and utmost attention to detail, brought a bold vision to fruition. Richard Boase is a superb and engaging moderator. His on-camera presence shines through in every episode.”
Watersheds Moment Team