REGISTRATION OPEN FOR WATERSHED MOMENTS, THE VIDEO TRILOGY SERIES: 2020 Virtual Symposium on “Actionable Visions for Reconnecting Hydrology and Ecology in an Altered Landscape” – a unique and interactive experience delivered via YouTube on November 19 / November 26 / December 3
Register now for the Video Trilogy Series:
The Registration Fee for the series is a nominal amount –
$30 for stewardship groups and $50 for all others!
3rd Annual Vancouver Island Symposium on Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate
In 2020, the COVID 19 pandemic changed everything and created a new reality for everyone on Planet Earth. Until there is a vaccine, mass gatherings are not allowed in British Columbia, by order of the Provincial Health Officer. Thus, events such as the Third Annual Vancouver Island Symposium on Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate must be delivered online rather than in-person.
Facilitated Conversations in a Virtual Setting
“In the age of COVID 19, however, it is necessary to adapt and evolve in response to the new reality imposed by physical distancing,” states Kim Stephens, Executive Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia.
“And so the concept took shape for a unique and interactive experience via YouTube in combination with Zoom. We are bringing our three module teams together in a safe space, the Vancouver Island Conference Centre, for a video shoot. This allows each team to have a conversation facilitated by Richard Boase. Immediately after watching each video on YouTube, our virtual audience will be able to chat in real-time with the presentation team. The members of the team will participate via a Zoom feed.”
Creating a Legacy Resource
“The changes wrought by COVID 19 have allowed NALT and the Partnership for Water Sustainability to dare to be bold in integrating technology platforms and co-host what we anticipate will be a compelling virtual symposium. We are integrating Zoom and YouTube to create a viewing experience that captures the passion, knowledge and wisdom of our team members in conversation. The vision for the Video Trilogy Series is that it will take on a life of its own as a legacy resource that informs, educate and creates understanding,” states David Mackenzie. He is the technical director for production of the series.
Register now for the Video Trilogy Series
To read a description of each module in the virtual symposium, download a copy of 3rd Annual Symposium Reimagined as Video Trilogy Series