VIDEO 1 / STEWARDSHIP COLLABORATION / WATERSHED MOMENTS VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM / AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE: Titled “BC’s Climate Reality, Inter-Regional Collaboration & Actionable Visions”, two versions are available for viewing / one is the stand-alone documentary; the other is the livestream broadcast which includes the Q & A session / Video 1 was livestreamed on November 19, 2020

Note to Reader:

COVID has changed and challenged how we do outreach and peer-based education. Now both must be done virtually. The Partnership for Water Sustainability in collaboration with the Nanaimo & Area Land Trust have moved well beyond a Zoom webinar to create “Watershed Moments, the Video Trilogy Series” on YouTube.

The first module features a dynamic team comprised of five women. They are leading programs that strive to ‘reconnect land and water in altered landscapes’ in four regional districts on the east coast of Vancouver Island. These programs flow from an approach described as cathedral thinking.

The partnership vision is that delivering the series via YouTube will provide enduring value as a legacy educational resource. Six weeks after the series concludes, viewers will have the option to watch and share each video again and again. It is the experience that will keep on giving! 

Scroll down to watch Video 1

Registration remains open for Video 2 on November 26, 2020 and Video 3 on December 3, 2020.

VIDEO 1 TITLE > BC’s Climate Reality, Inter-Regional Collaboration & Actionable Visions

Our watersheds are the frontlines of climate change adaptation.
We need to put some urgency into our climate change emergency.

In the video, the team members reference local government water stewardship initiatives and the growing networks of collaboration between regional districts and stewardship organizations.

What are the stories behind the stories of these five dynamic women who are managers and doers? What motivates each one? What is the source of their passion? How are they sharing and learning from each other? How are they adapting concepts and approaches to the local context? What are their aspirations?

So, what is this team’s key message? “An actionable vision for land and water is driven by leadership that mobilizes people and partnerships, a commitment to ongoing learning and innovation, and so importantly a budget to back it up.”

From the stewardship sector point of view, there are opportunities to align efforts from boots in the creek, with central coordination and a conduit to senior government expertise and resources.

Click the PLAY button below to watch the “documentary version” of the first video in the set of three that constitute the 2020 Watershed Moments Virtual Symposium

Click the PLAY button below to watch the “livestream broadcast version” which has an introduction and Question & Answer Period as book-ends