WATERSHED MOMENTS, THE VIDEO TRILOGY SERIES: Moving Beyond a Zoom Webinar to Inspire an Audience – register now for a unique and interactive experience delivered via YouTube on November 19 / November 26 / December 3


COVID has changed and challenged how to do outreach and peer-based education. As part of the COVID response plan for the 2020 Virtual Symposium on Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate, the Partnership for Water Sustainability and collaborators have moved well beyond a Zoom webinar to create Watershed Moments, the Video Trilogy Series. The shared vision is that the series will be a legacy educational resource.

Below, filming on location at the Millstone River in the City of Nanaimo.

From left to right: David Mackenzie, Paul Chapman (Executive Director, Nanaimo & Area Land Trust) and Kim Stephens (Executive Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability)


Reimagining the 3rd Annual Symposium on Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate as a “Video Trilogy Series”

“I am a member of a team representing the stream stewardship sector and three levels of government. For the foreseeable future, we will be relying on virtual forums to bring audiences together for peer-based education. In the age of COVID, how does one inspire an audience over a computer? Addressing this existential challenge was our starting point for re-imagining the third in the Vancouver Island Water Stewardship Symposia Series as a virtual event,” states Kim Stephens, Waterbucket eNews Editor and Executive Director, Partnership for Water Sustainability in British Columbia.

“Very quickly we ruled out going down the Zoom webinar pathway. Zoom is simply not conducive to the natural and spontaneous interaction among speakers that we wished to achieve. We decided that each of our three teams, one at a time, had to be in the same room in order for them to have a proper conversation among themselves.

“We looked to TED Talks for inspiration. Why are they so successful in motivating audiences, we asked ourselves. TED Talks are very good at capturing a speaker’s passion and enthusiasm, we concluded. So, that is what we set out to do too! The videos are much more than talking heads. Interweaving of outdoor imagery adds a compelling visual dimension that draws the viewer into the conversation.

“In re-imagining the 2020 Symposium as the Video Trilogy Series, our vision is that the audience experience “in the moment” will be better than having a front-row seat at a live event. In a virtual sense, our audience will be up close and personal with our team members. All that will be missing from the experience will be the conversations that happen spontaneously during networking breaks, when delegates share their immediate reactions to what they just heard.”

To Learn More:

Read A BLUEPRINT FOR MAKING VIDEOS IN THE AGE OF COVID: “My intent is to try and help illuminate a pathway for interested parties, and the visionary leaders as well. It’s about human interaction and how to adapt to it on our COVID planet,” stated David Mackenzie, technical director for ‘Watershed Moments, the Video Trilogy Series’ (Nov 19 / Nov 26 / Dec 3)

Register now for the Video Trilogy Series

Nov 19 / Nov 26 / Dec 3 (from 10:00AM to 11:30AM)


15 metres x15 metres is the optimum size space, and also the minimum size, for a room that is required to house up to five cameras and up to 14 people, of whom six are seated in a semi-circle for a facilitated conversation. Five cameras are necessary because of the 2 metre spacing of speakers.