EXPECTATIONS EVOLVE OVER TIME: A walkabout through the Glacier View Pond Area illustrated changes in rainwater management practice in the City of Courtenay (September 2008)
Note to Reader:
In 2008, the City of Courtenay was the host municipality for the second series of pilot Vancouver Island Learning Lunch Seminars. The series promoted a consistent provincial approach to rainwater management and green infrastructure. The meet-and-greet for each Learning Lunch Seminar started at 10:30am. Each event concluded at 3:00pm. The first Comox Valley seminar was held on September 19th 2008.
Today’s Expectations are Tomorrow’s Standards
The City of Courtenay prepared a brochure complete with aerial photo to highlight the points of interest along the walkabout route between Valley View Drive and Evans Place. To download a copy, click on Glacier View Walkabout Brochure. Then click on the YouTube links below for a series of commentaries by Kevin Lagan (Director of Operational Services), Derek Richmond (Manager of Engineering) and Ian Whitehead (consulting engineer).
Walkabout Route for Seminar 1 of the
2008 Comox Valley Learning Lunch Series
You Tube Videos
At Location #1 on the walkabout, Kevin Lagan, with assistance from Ian Whitehead (the engineer of record for the project), explained the development history of the Hawk-Glen Park & Water Retention Pond, constructed in 1993.
Cross-Country hike from Hawk-Glen Park & Water Retention Pond. Moving in a southwesterly direction away from the residential area and towards the creek/ditch that brings water from Cumming Road the pond.
Standing next to the creek/ditch that feeds Glacier View Pond (constructed in 2008), Kevin Lagan and Derek Richmond tag-teamed to explain the development of the Glacier View Detention Pond.
Derek Richmond emphasized how the City has achieved more with less in order to set the scene for Ian Whitehead to explain some of the details of pond construction, with emphasis on working with and blending in with nature.
At Location #4, Derek Richmond described the City’s thinking with respect to the design of the outlet works for the Glacier View Detention Pond; with emphasis on liability concerns and mitigation of risk through proactive measures.
At Location #3, Ian Whitehead explained how necessity during construction resulted in a simple but elegant solution which involved diverting stormwater/rainwater runoff into the forest onto an interim basis such that natural infiltration prevented any downstream consequences.
At the same Location #3, Kevin Lagan explained the considerations that led to conversion of the Sheraton Road right-of-way into a paved bikeway. and resulted in environmental and other benefits that contribute to the liveability of the surrounding neighbourhoods.
Also at Location #3, Kevin Lagan explained how the decision was made by the City to purchase a 20-acre forest experimental research area from the Province, and retain the land as green space rather than develop it for housing. It now serves an ecosystem function.
At Location #5, the Brookmere Subdivision, the City of Courtenay engineering team explained how the City is implementing changes in the way land is developed. The change in approach starts with the role of the building inspector.