CONTENT FOR 3RD ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON WATER STEWARDSHIP IN A CHANGING CLIMATE: A series of articles previewed the seven modules that would have comprised a 2-day “Comox Valley 2020 Symposium on Climate Change, Collaboration and Landscape Restoration” (HISTORICAL NOTE: originally scheduled for April, the symposium was initially postponed to October due to the COVID 19 pandemic, before being re-imagined as the virtual Video Trilogy Series for delivery via YouTube)

Note to Reader:

The website is a living record of activities and outcomes resulting from initiatives implemented under the umbrella of the Water Sustainability Action Plan. In 2020, the COVID 19 pandemic changed everything and created a new reality for everyone on Planet Earth. Hence, an important part of the Partnership’s historical record is preserving for future reference articles such as the one below. Otherwise the story will be lost of how the three Comox Valley 2020 co-hosts responded and adapted over the course of a once-in-a-century event. 


Designed to paint a picture of the 2-day Comox Valley 2020 symposium, a series of articles published by the Partnership for Water Sustainability during the period November 2019 through April 2020 delved into the details of the cascading program. The series was designed to inform and educate the reader about what to expect in individual program modules.

Comox Valley 2020 Preview Series

Backgrounder #1- Comox Valley on Vancouver Island: Incubator Region for Collaboration Precedents (Answers the question – why hold the third in the symposia series in the Comox Valley?)

Backgrounder #2 – Comox Valley Conservation Partnership – “One common forum to promote and advocate for innovative local government policies, strategies and initiatives that support transformative change towards environmental sustainability,” wrote David Stapley and Tim Ennis (Context for Day One Modules)

Backgrounder #3 – FROM ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TO SUSTAINABLE DELIVERY OF CORE SERVICES: “Natural assets support the delivery of core local government services, while doing so much more” (Module F on Day Two)

Backgrounder #4 – An ‘Actionable Vision’ translates good intentions into practices on the ground: It’s driven by leadership that mobilizes people and partnerships, a commitment to ongoing learning and innovation, and a budget to back it up (Module E for Day Two)

Backgrounder #5A ‘once in a generation’ window of opportunity: The International Year of the Salmon program has the potential to be a game-changer. It is not just about the fish; it is about humankind creating sustainable landscapes for people and salmon (Module G on Day Two)

Backgrounder #6 – Implementing Actionable Visions – Are you curious to learn what it means to collaborate to ‘stitch together altered landscapes‘, and thus improve where we live? (Synopsis for Day Two Program on Reconnecting Hydrology and Ecology) published on March 10, 2020

To Learn More:


Download a copy of the VANCOUVER ISLAND SYMPOSIA SERIES AT A GLANCE to view the programs at a glance for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 events.