OUTREACH & AWARENESS RAISING FOR PARKSVILLE 2019 SYMPOSIUM: Restorative development relies on an interdisciplinary approach to be successfully implemented; thus, program content for the Parksville 2019 Symposium is relevant to landscape architects (4.0 CE Units for BCSLA members)
Note to Reader:
The following announcement is posted by the BC Society of Landscape Architects on their website at https://www.bcsla.org/events/information-events/parksville-2019-second-annual-vancouver-island-symposium-water-stewardship
Parksville 2019: Second Annual Vancouver Island Symposium on Water Stewardship in a Changing Climate (Theme: Make Better Use Land Use Decisions & Move Towards Restorative Land Development)
While communities cannot restore lost biodiversity, they can halt its decline and consciously direct efforts into bending the trend-line in an upwards direction, that is: “make where we live better”.
The rhythms of water are changing in British Columbia. What happens on the land in the creekshed does matter to streams – thus, the time has come to reconnect hydrology and ecology!
Join delegates from the east coast of Vancouver Island and beyond, and attend a ‘watershed moment’ in Parksville.Options include a field day on April 2, followed by a 2-day symposium on April 3-4.
Each day features a prominent headline speaker from the United States. Cross-border collaboration expands our horizons and connects us with a larger body of experience!
At the Parksville 2019 Symposium, you will learn how communities can apply science-based understanding to increase their restorative footprint and at the same time decrease their destructive footprint.
You will also learn about local government initiatives that are ‘getting it right’ and are moving along pathways that lead to restorative development.The daily symposium themes are Sustainable Stream Restoration and Restorative Land Development, respectively.
An evening lecture by author (and global thought leader) Storm Cunningham is the bridge between the two days. Storm Cunningham will also close the symposium with an inspirational message.
TO REGISTER: https://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/event/2019/Parksville-Water-Stewardship-Symposium