Beyond the Guidebook 2015: Time-Line highlights milestones for “watershed-based approach” in Nanaimo Region
Convening for Action in the
Nanaimo Region
The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) was the first regional district to embrace a leadership role within the CAVI -Convening for Action on Vancouver Island initiative. The RDN’s contribution to inter-regional “sharing and learning” is the experience it has gained over the past decade in first developing and then implementing the precedent-setting Drinking Water & Watershed Protection Program.
“A growing population combined with known negative impacts created the need to tackle issues of groundwater depletion, stream degradation, surface water contamination and the changes climate change will bring. Land use planning and development standards cannot be effectively modified without a clear understanding of our water resources, where they are changing and why,” states Mike Donnelly, Manager of Water Services with the Regional District of Nanaimo.
To Download the Time-Line:
CLICK HERE to download a pdf copy of Figure 37 from Beyond the Guidebook 2015. This is complete with a colour-coding legend.
To download a copy of the entire 158-page Beyond the Guidebook 2015, click on this link: