"CAVI has had another successful year," writes Chair Derek Richmond in the 2014 Annual Report of the Partnership for Water Sustainability
Note to Reader:
The following article is extracted from the 2014 Annual Report of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC. In his “Report from the CAVI Chair”, Derek Richmond reflects on what was accomplished by the CAVI-Convening for Action on Vancouver Island initiative in 2014. He also looks ahead and foreshadows how CAVI will build on success.
To download a PDF copy, click on Report from the Chair of CAVI-Convening for Action on Vancouver Island, December 2014
Inter-Regional Collaboration & A Vision for Vancouver Island
“CAVI has had another successful year through collaboration among its regional groups. Each region has had its own specific challenges and has come through with some remarkable solutions to some of the ongoing problems,” writes Derek Richmond.
“The concept of learning and sharing – now embodied in the “IREI”, the acronym for Inter-Regional Education Initiative – has adapted well to the transition from the earlier equivalent of the ‘Learning Lunch Series’. It has been an amazing year of cross-fertilization amongst the different regions and in many cases the acquisition of solutions to issues has been greatly accelerated by this process. In 2014 there were five IREI inter-regional collaboration sessions.”
The series schedule is reproduced below. To learn more, click on Georgia Basin Inter-Regional Education Initiative.
Moving from Education to Action
“Since the launch of CAVI in 2006, the primary focus has been information sharing and education,” continues Derek Richmond.
“The depth of experience within the CAVI group has enabled it to intuitively know what works and why. However, a watershed moment came in 2010 / 2011 as a response to a request from the development community for (more) tangible deliverables and a shift towards ‘action’. This transition has been instrumental in dialogue around the initiative launched in 2013 and branded as VI2065: The Vision for Vancouver Island in 50 Years.”
“It is hoped that while CAVI continues to build on its success through inter-regional sharing and dialogue, we will also be able to move that success to another level. To a large extent, success has been based on collaboration within each of the CAVI regions. By building on the essential concept of thinking and planning on a watershed basis, timing is right to integrate and expand this concept as the foundation of the ‘vision’ for Vancouver Island.”
To Learn More:
To download a copy of the Partnership’s 2014 Annual Report, click here