Informing a Vision for Vancouver Island: Partnership releases program overview for workshop on "How Managing Water Now….Will Shape the Future" (December 9, 2014)
Note to Reader:
Launched at the 2006 Water in the City Conference, the CAVI-Convening for Action on Vancouver Island initiative showcases leadership in water sustainability. CAVI is an initiative of the Partnership for Water Sustainability in BC.
On December 9 in Victoria, the Partnership is joining forces with the Irrigation Industry Association to co-host a workshop on “Convening for Action on Vancouver Island: How Managing Water Now…..Will Shape the Future”. The workshop is in conjunction with the Annual General Meetings for the two organizations.
The workshop is an opportunity to share and learn about “VI 2065: The Vision for Vancouver Island in 50 Years”. TO DOWNLOAD a copy of the Program Overview, click here.
Workshop Thesis: How Managing Water Now…Will Shape the Future
Building on years of success in collaborating with those who are leading change in the local government setting, the CAVI Leadership Team is partnering with the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance and Royal Roads University to advance their shared vision for Vancouver Island 2065, namely – “Moving Towards Settlement, Economy and Ecology in Balance”.
Program Overview
“The Partnership for Water Sustainability and Irrigation Industry Association are pleased to jointly release the Program Overview for our joint workshop on December 9, 2014. The workshop day is structured as four modules,” states Ted van der Gulik, Partnership President.
“Water is a form maker. It defines communities. Also, the consequences of our water-centric decisions ripple through time. Recognizing these factors, our workshop is designed to spark a conversation and ultimately inform a shared vision for Vancouver Island. The workshop will demonstrate tools that can help communities achieve a vision for settlement, economy and ecology in balance.”
“The workshop program is cascading – from high-level visioning to ground-level applications. Adaptation to a changing climate is a unifying theme. Both the urban and agricultural perspectives are represented.”
Each Module Has An Educational Objective
“The Partnership for Water Sustainability is responsible for delivering the Water Sustainability Action Plan for BC,’ explains Kim Stephens, Partnership Executive Director. “The Partnership mantra is: we develop tools; we develop talent; we focus on outcomes. The workshop is an initiative under the Actiom Plan umbrella. Because we have an educational responsibility, we have identified a ‘learning objective’ for each module.”
“For example, the educational objective for Module C is that participants will obtain an understanding of the complexities of planning for food security, land management and related water issues.”
“We will be encouraging audience interaction, especially in the first and fourth modules. Both include a substantial time allocation for town-hall sharing and learning.”
To Learn More and Register:
TO REGISTER for the workshop, go to the IIABC website:
TO DOWNLOAD a copy of the Program Overview, click on Convening for Action on Vancouver Island: How Managing Water Now….Will Shape the Future.
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